
The CareCredit Educational Audio Library

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1 hr 9 mins

Building a Healthy Patient-Practice Partnership

Featuring: Cathy Jameson, PhD, Founder
Carrie Webber, Owner and Chief Communications Officer Jameson Management

Be inspired as you listen to two of dentistry’s leading communicators and consultants, Cathy Jameson and Carrie Webber of Jameson Management, discuss how to build a practice by developing a healthy patient-practice partnership where patients are more engaged, more apt to accept recommended care and more likely to refer friends and family. Plus, listen and role-play key patient conversations and then break down the conversations and provide the psychology behind the words.

Length: 1 hr 9 mins
Size: 27.8MB
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You And Your Team Will Learn:

  • The four pillars of treatment acceptance
  • What words to avoid and which to use to build patient partnerships
  • How to set your treatment coordinator up for success
  • Proven techniques that enhance patient understanding
  • Why active listening skills are the key to great patient conversations
  • The magic of permission based conversations
  • Overcoming patients' barriers to care
1hr 13mins

The Art of Successful Patient Conversations

Katherine Eitel Belt, CEO and Founder of LionSpeak

On this CD: Join Katherine Eitel Belt, CEO and Founder of LionSpeak, as she discusses how to help your team have comfortable and effective financial conversations, on the phone and in the practice. Katherine believes everyone on the team has the desire to help patients and the ability to excel - they just need coaching.

Length: 1hr 13mins
Size: 34.7MB
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You will learn:

  • How to uncover your team’s belief systems about money and how they impact their ability to effectively discuss fees and payment options with patients
  • How your team may be inadvertently discouraging treatment acceptance
  • Why providing patients all payment options, and allowing them to choose which one is best for them, increases their ability to accept care
  • A 4-step telephone protocol and how to effectively answer the question, "Do you take my insurance?"
  • How to use social media, the practice website and the practice environment to create a foundation of treatment acceptance

Cultivating a Culture of Success and Celebration

Judy Kay Mausolf, Owner and President of Practice Solutions, Inc.

On this CD, Judy Kay Mausolf, coach, speaker, lifter and author with expertise in communication and team relationships has an introduction which details for the dentist, office manager or team training champion how to make happiness part of the practice’s culture and how happiness can bridge the gap between the team's potential and performance. The introduction is followed by three 10-minute team training sessions that can be used during morning huddles or lunch and learns.

Length: 52mins
Size: 47.7MB
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You will learn how to:

  • Harness the power of happiness, celebrate success and be your most awesome by creating your four core values to guide decisions that lead to happiness - no matter what life's circumstances are.
  • Use the RISE process - Review, Implement, Sustain and Evaluate and discover how to handle conflict - at work and at home - and create a no-gossip practice culture!
  • Have an Awesome Attitude! Judy Kay shares the secret power of ORANGE and how the team's "attitude determines their altitude in life" - and the success of your practice.

Care is a Verb, Not a Noun

Debra Engelhardt-Nash, Nash Institute Co-founder and Practice Management Expert

Listen and be inspired as Debra Engelhardt-Nash shares practical advice on how to create patient advocates by establishing a culture of caring. When you care for patients instead of merely delivering dental care to them, you create an environment that delights patients so much they accept your dental recommendations, return for ongoing care and rave about your practice to their friends, family and coworkers.

Length: 57mins
Size: 52.5MB
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You will learn how to:

  • Engage patients by encouraging them to share their story during the initial phone call
  • Welcome patients like appreciated guests to their practice
  • Escort patients to the back clinical area and make impactful doctor introductions
  • Have great financial conversations that result in a win-win
1hr 03mins

Build Your Practice by Building Patient Loyalty

Bernie Stoltz, CEO of Fortune Management

Imagine how rewarding it would be to treat patients who are loyal to you and committed to their oral health – patients who enjoy coming to the practice and enjoy referring friends and family. Bernie Stoltz, CEO of Fortune Management, believes the best way to practice dentistry is to build a practice filled with friends, not just patients.

Length: 1hr 03mins
Size: 28.4MB
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You will learn how to:

  • Create a practice environment people love
  • Emotionally connect with patients, every time
  • Use power questions to energize and empower your team
  • Attract new patients in today’s social world

Invisible Numbers that Drive Practice Success

Gary Kadi, CEO and Creator of NextLevel Practice

On this CD, Gary Kadi, CEO and Creator of NextLevel Practice shares how most dentists measure and track key practice metrics that help them manage their practice. According to Gary Kadi, there are three invisible numbers that can allow you to focus more on maximizing your potential as a dentist and worry less about the financial aspect of your practice. This educational audio program will help you Identify three simple numbers that drive practice success, energize recare and get more patients healthy, manage treatment acceptance so you have certainty in your schedule and engage your team and make them responsible for their success.

Length: 39mins
Size: 27.2MB
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You will learn:

  • Identify three simple numbers that drive practice success
  • Energize recare and get more patients healthy
  • Manage treatment acceptance so you have certainty in your schedule
  • Engage your team and make them responsible for their success

Create Patients for Life with a Remarkable Patient Experience

Gary Takacs - Practice Management Educator

Join Gary Takacs as he shares proven ideas and insights on how to create patients for life, focusing on providing patients with such a “remarkable” experience they can't help but share positive remarks about the practice with their friends and family. Creating patients for life involves transitioning from a transaction practice, where the focus is primarily on the patient's clinical needs, to a relationship-style practice, where both the clinical and relational needs of the patients are met.

Length: 54mins
Size: 37.6MB
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You will learn how to:

  • Make an incredible first impression with new patients
  • Create a practice tour that educates and excites patients about the dental services available to them
  • Use technology to actively engage patients in their oral health
  • Initiate patient/doctor co-discovery
  • Have great financial conversations by choosing the most appropriate time and place
1hr 08mins

Four Steps to Amazing Patient Relationships

Amy Morgan, CEO, Pride Institute

Join Amy Morgan, CEO of the Pride Institute, as she discusses how developing committed patient relationships is a journey, not an event. You'll learn the four stages or “stops along the road” and how these critical communication opportunities can guide patients to becoming committed to their oral health and to your practice.

Length: 1hr 08mins
Size: 47.2MB
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You will learn:

  • The critical steps to attracting and retaining your patients
  • The benefits of committed patient relationships
  • How to identify the four patient motivators
  • Initiating patient/doctor co-discovery
  • How to conduct the ideal patient conference
  • The benefits of embracing a patient-centered relationship
  • The roadblocks that compromise long-term patient loyalty and comprehensive dental care
  • “Trigger words” that evoke patients' emotional responses
1hr 09mins

Accountability = Energized Team & Satisfied Patients

Rhonda R. Savage, DDS, CEO of Miles Global

Listen as Rhonda Savage shares practical advice on how to motivate and empower your dental team by using a system of accountability. Accountability “done right” leads to an energized team that works together like a well-oiled machine. Your patients have a better experience. And your practice is healthier with improved efficiency and production.

Length: 1hr 09mins
Size: 31.3MB
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You will learn:

  • Help your practice and patient relationships thrive
  • Implement the 4-step system of empowering accountability
  • Conduct daily coaching
  • Improve patient communication through the “feel, felt, found” technique
  • Establish metrics of accountability for each staff position
1hr 00mins

The Business of Running Your Dental Practice

Mark Murphy, DDS, FAGD

When dentists buy their first practice, in addition to keeping their patients healthy, they also have to manage the business side of their practice. This can be overwhelming, frustrating, time-consuming and filled with choices. In this audio program, Dr. Murphy discusses the three main areas dentists need to look at from a business prospective. Doing so will improve practice performance and achieve greater success including better patient retention, case acceptance, and referrals.

Length: 1hr 00mins
Size: 26.9MB
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You will learn:

  • How to determine the lifetime value that patients bring to your practice
  • How to measure and monitor behaviors to meet patient retention goals
  • How to increase retention by enhancing the patient experience
  • Techniques to create a successful case presentation system
  • Solutions to help patients delaying care because of time of money

Creating a Dream Team with a Winning Attitude

Mark E. Hyman DDS, MAGD

Your team's positive attitude is the key to creating a winning practice. Discover how Mark E. Hyman, DDS, MAGD, voted one of the Top Clinicians in CE by Dentistry Today magazine, uses team building, self-assessment and problem solving to empower and inspire his team members. On this CD, you will earn valuable tips and techniques to help you identify team strengths and promote better communication among your employees, creating a positive environment. Also, find out Dr. Hyman's proven ways to create a great attitude in your practice.

Length: 58mins
Size: 26.2MB
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You will learn:

  • How to make employees feel truly appreciated
  • How to create a more positive patient experience
  • How to manage difficult team members
  • How to create a team environment in which employees coach each other
  • How to recognize, nurture and reward positive attitudes
  • How the doctor can emerge and grow as the practice leader
47mins, 1hr 07mins

Minimizing Failed Appointments

Lois Banta - CEO, Banta Consulting

Disc #1 - Leader Module - In this Leader Module, Ms. Banta uncovers the real reasons why patients cancel or miss appointments and explains how the dental team's use of words may contribute to failed appointments. Ms. Banta gives the doctor a high-level overview of the results that can be expected if training, tools and techniques for solving this problem are embraced.

Length: 47mins, 1hr 07mins
Size: 43MB, 61.6MB
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Disc #2 - Team Modules - In the four 20-minute Team Modules, Lois Banta provides the entire team the information and tools necessary to create an action plan to minimize failed appointments. The modules include: “Let's Get Started” (A guide to effectively implementing a proactive failed appointment strategy); “Pre-Appointment Communications Techniques”; “Techniques for setting Appointments”; and “Handling Confirmation and Cancellation Calls.”

1hr 3mins

Revitalize and Realize your full Potential

Dr. Roger P. Levin, Chairman & CEO, Levin Group

Re-energizing and revitalizing your practice can enable you to reach your real potential — both professionally and personally. Listen as well-respected practice management expert, speaker and author Dr. Roger P. Levin discusses how to recapture the energy and enthusiasm you had when you first started practicing dentistry..

Length: 1hr 3mins
Size: 43.6MB
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You will learn:

  • How to create systems instead of habits
  • How to set goals and use them as a roadmap to the future
  • How to improve communication skills and utilize scripting that works
  • How to increase productivity through “power cell” scheduling
  • How patient care is enhanced when the team is re-energized

Financially Arranged Dentistry

Cathy Jameson, Ph.D., founder and chief visionary officer of Jameson Management

Learn from internationally-recognized dental consultant Cathy Jameson as she takes you through the benefits of establishing a written financial policy for your practice. With her incredible insight, she details which payment options should be included and how to successfully present these options to the patient. To further assist you, Dr. Jameson runs through a role-playing example of how to present healthcare financing to the patient and how to handle possible objections.

Length: 29mins
Size: 19.9MB
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You will learn:

  • How a written financial policy can increase treatment acceptance
  • Why it is necessary to offer healthcare financing to patients
  • The importance of making sure your staff is comfortable discussing financial arrangements with patients
  • How presentation aids can be of assistance when explaining payment options to patients

Recall and Retention

Sally McKenzie - CEO of McKenzie Management

Learn valuable tips from Sally McKenzie on establishing a productive and profitable hygiene department. Ms. McKenzie shares her incredible insight on how to implement a successful recall system through developing accountability, good telephone techniques and the use of third-party financing. Using a helpful formula, she explains how to measure the success of a recall system and offers training instructions for employees in charge of patient retention.

Length: 46mins
Size: 32MB
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You will learn:

  • How to identify a dwindling patient base
  • The rules of thumb for producing a profitable recall system
  • How to communicate with patients who do not want to schedule recommended appointments
  • An effective alternative to pre-appointing

Solving Today's Key Practice Issues

Sally McKenzie - CEO of McKenzie Management

Ms. McKenzie offers valuable insight on subjects such as staffing and training, recruitment and retention, and scheduling and production. She also reveals the importance of measuring an employee's performance, and how front desk team members can make or break a practice.

Length: 55mins
Size: 9.47MB
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You will learn:

  • How to establish a solid recruitment system
  • How to foster better employee and patient retention
  • The crawling, walking, and running methods of scheduling
  • How to efficiently make use of dental assistants to increase production

Examine and Diagnose Your Financial Systems

Lisa Philp, RDH, CMC, President of Transitions Group

Within a dental practice, the Financial System is arguably the most important system. The Financial System includes collections, insurance management, accounts receivable and all other aspects of the practice's inflow and outflow of money. In this audio program, Ms. Philp details the components of an effective Financial System and explains how dental teams can diagnose and fix inefficiencies - starting with the practice's written Financial Policy.

Length: 49mins
Size: 22MB
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You will learn:

  • What should be the backbone of your Financial System
  • How a written Financial Policy enhances patient relationships
  • Techniques that make discussing money with patients easier
  • Key benchmarks that indicate failure in the Financial System
  • Each team member's role in the financial discussion
  • How the “transfer of trust” enhances case acceptance
1hr 10mins

From Survival To Success To Significance

Olivia McLeod Straine & Kerry K. Straine - Certified Professional Behavorial Analysts, Straine Consulting

Listen to practice management experts Kerry and Olivia Straine share their valuable insights on how to advance your practice through the different stages of growth — from survival to success to significance. Together, they reveal how to maximize your staff's potential, the true meaning of compromise in practice management, how to deliver your promise to attain significance, and how to set up a management structure to achieve your goals.

Length: 1hr 10mins
Size: 48.6MB
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You will learn:

  • The three components of leadership responsibility
  • The significance of influence in practice management
  • How to align your “inner world” with your “outer world”
  • The three F's and how they relate to practice success

Drop the Shield and Appoint More Patients!

Dr. David Madow and Dr. Richard Madow

One of the most important events in a practice is when a new patient calls to make an inquiry or set an appointment. Yet so many dental teams put up an imaginary “shield” that only leads to lost opportunities. Listen as Dr. Richard Madow and Dr. David Madow share their insights on how practices can eliminate these “shields” with proven techniques to help the team handle this critical conversation so they can help more patients access care and ultimately increase production.

Length: 46mins
Size: 31.6MB
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You will learn:

  • How the ALASKA system (Answer, Listen, Analyze, Solve, Kindness, and Action/Appoint) can help prevent the most fatal mistake in your practice
  • Role-playing techniques that can help dental teams improve their communication skills on the phone
  • Tips on transforming phone inquiries into scheduled
  • appointments by listening to real-life examples

The Dirty Dozen: 12 Things You Should Remove from Your Dental Practice

Richard H. Madow, DDS

Listen to Dr. Richard H Madow, Co-Founder of the internationally-recognized publishing, educational and marketing company, The Madow Group, as he counts down the top 12 things you may have at your practice that you should eliminate immediately. From dial-up modems, to “bad” employees, to troublesome in-house financing, Dr. Madow not only tells you in his own unique style what to get rid of, he also tells you what to add to increase practice efficiency. Best known for his The Richard Report newsletter, audio series, and TBSE (The Best Seminar Ever), Dr. Madow also provides practical advice on how to improve treatment acceptance, how to positively motivate your staff, and how to make dentistry more fun for your practice and your patients.

Length: 47mins
Size: 8.04MB
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You will learn:

  • Ways of using the internet to benefit your practice
  • How digital photography can help you increase treatment acceptance
  • How patient financing programs can reduce expenses
  • The advantages of using only one or two labs
1hr 03mins

Business Principles For Any Economy

Dr. Bill Blatchford - President and CEO of Blatchford Solutions Ltd.

What is success? Is it the satisfaction of knowing you eliminated pain and helped a patient achieve their oral health goals? Is it having patients that are so satisfied they refer family and friends? Or is it working with a team that is inspired and excited about the dentistry you perform? All of these can define success. In this 75-minute audio program, Dr. Bill Blatchford discusses two additional measures of success: overhead and sales, or “capacity” and “demand.” These determine practice profitability, which enables a dentist to reinvest in technology, pay their staff well and enjoy a comfortable, well-deserved lifestyle.

Length: 1hr 03mins
Size: 10.7MB
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You will learn:

  • The ideal overhead expense allocation and how overhead can change profitability
  • How your lab bill reflects and determines your success
  • How to view your practice in terms of capacity and demand
  • How to increase case acceptance with the Blatchford Power Questions
  • How to calculate staffing needs and incentives

Managing Practice Overhead

Louis Malcmacher, DDS, MAGD

Since 1988, Dr. Malcmacher and his team have maintained an overhead of only 45% (the industry average is estimated to be around 70%). Learn the principles and techniques behind his success in this informative CD. Dr. Malcmacher shares how practices can effectively manage overhead by improving productivity, developing key relationships, and improving efficiency.

Length: 47mins
Size: 8.08MB
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You will learn:

  • The main principle every doctor should embrace to control overhead costs
  • How investing in technology can bring your overhead down by making you faster and better
  • Where to get the best deals on equipment and other practice consumables
  • How to offer new services to increase production and attract more patients
  • Valuable tips to reduce accounts receivable and in-house billing

Effective Patient Communication - The Financial Discussion

Jennifer de St. Georges

Internationally renowned practice management educator Jennifer de St. Georges reveals her secrets on how to communicate financially with patients. She uses he practical style to teach you how to be proactive with patients and “inform before you perform, no surprises.” Her detailed look into the four problem areas of dentistry, combined with her clever one-liner tips, can help practices improve their financial.

Length: 53mins
Size: 9.09MB
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You will learn:

  • Common mistakes practices make when talking to patients about money
  • Questions you should ask yourself about your billing system
  • In which situations dentists should be involved in discussing finances with patients
  • Which financial options are popular but non-productive