Creating your financial landing page

A landing page helps answer questions about CareCredit and educate your patients or clients on how to pay over time.

By Synchrony, Health & Wellness

Posted Jul 01, 2021 - 2 min read

Get started with our free resources

Help ensure everyone knows you offer CareCredit by creating a financial web page for your office’s website. Use our ready-made resources such as logos, buttons, prewritten copy, banners and more. When building your web page, keep these elements in mind:

  1. Ensure the “Get Started” and “Pay” buttons with their respective links are placed prominently on the page.
  2. Keep the copy simple. Introduce the card and benefits so visitors know what they are applying for.
  3. Items such as the Payment Calculator and video modules should complement the copy and overall layout

Download the resources featured below by clicking on each title:

1- Prewritten Copy

    Simply copy and paste our ready-made description of CareCredit and its benefits.

2- CareCredit Logo

    Use our logo to help visitors identify the financing you have available.

3- Apply Link

    Display prominently on the page so visitors can see it right away.

4- Pay Link

    Show Cardholders that they can make online payments directly to you.

5- Payment Calculator

    With this module, show visitors how low their monthly payment could be.

Here is an example of how your financial landing page could look:

Content - creating-financial-landing-page-1

Download and share this page with your website designer or print it as a reference.

PDF IconDownload

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