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10 Tips for Cleaning Your Cat’s Teeth

View 10 tips to cat teeth cleaning from CareCredit. It is important to keep your cats mouth healthy, so learn how to clean a cats teeth today!

Posted May 21, 2020

Cat gnawing on a toothbrush

Your cat’s teeth may be small, but those choppers have a big purpose — serving the cat’s hunting and chewing needs. Domesticated cats don’t have the same opportunities as their wild ancestors for keeping their teeth pearly white by gnawing on gristle and other items, though. Yet clean teeth are necessary to fight painful oral health issues like gingivitis and stomatitis. That makes regular care essential. These steps can help you keep your cat’s teeth healthy.

  1. Prepare for brushing
    Shop for a cat toothbrush, finger brush or a kid’s toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles. Even a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger or a cotton swab will work. Any of these tools can get slippery tartar off teeth before it hardens to plaque. Get your cat their own pet-appropriate toothpaste, too.
  2. Make your cat comfortable
    Start off on the right tooth and ease your cat into the process. Place your cat on a table and touch your cat’s mouth, lips and gums with your fingers.
  3. Comfort with a cat burrito
    If your cat resists the table setup, move on to wrapping your cat in a towel and place your cat in your lap. Try touching your cat’s mouth again and experiment with different handling methods to find your cat’s favorite.
  4. Let your cat taste the toothpaste
    Squeeze cat toothpaste on the appropriate toothbrush or your gauze-wrapped finger. Let kitty smell and taste the toothpaste, even chew the item you’ve put it on.
  5. Maintain a holding pattern
    With your non-dominant hand, hold your cat’s head and ears. Then, gently pull back their lips with your fingers.
  6. Solicit a smile
    With your other hand, brush a few teeth with a gentle back and forth motion.
  7. Try bribery
    If your cat pushes back on the brush or other device, dip it in tuna juice or canned food gravy to motivate your cat to open their mouth and grow comfortable with the process.
  8. Progress slowly
    Progress gradually to other teeth, going slowly. Never force tooth brushing on your cat. Stop the process if your cat tries to writhe out of your hands or seems agitated.
  9. Offer cat treats
    Treat and praise after each session. Connect happy times with toothbrushing!
  10. Repeat
    Continue cleaning your cat’s teeth on a regular basis. Experts say working up to a full-mouth brushing comfort level could take weeks or even months. Keep on offering praise and treats, and your cat could be a clean teeth fan in no time.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s teeth or dental health. Remember that you can use the CareCredit credit card to pay for teeth cleanings, exams, medications, services and products at participating veterinary practices nationwide.* Use the Acceptance Locator or download the CareCredit Mobile App to find a nearby practice that accepts the CareCredit credit card.

* Subject to credit approval.

The information, opinions and recommendations expressed in this content are for informational purposes only. Information has been obtained from sources generally believed to be reliable. However, because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by our sources, or any other, Synchrony and any of its affiliates, including CareCredit, (collectively, “Synchrony") does not provide any warranty as to the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information for its intended purpose or any results obtained from the use of such information. The data presented was current as of the time of writing. Please consult with your individual advisors with respect to any information presented.


“How to Brush Cats’ Teeth,” Wendy Bedwell-Wilson and Caitlin Boyle, Pet Central, posted Jan. 28, 2020,, accessed Feb 11, 2020
“How to Clean Your Cat’s Teeth,” Kristen Levine, Kristen Levine Pet Living, posted Sept. 29, 2019,, accessed Feb. 12, 2020
“How to Brush Your Cat’s Teeth,”,, accessed Feb. 10, 2020