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Average Dental Costs and Pricing

The cost of dental procedures can be difficult to manage. The CareCredit credit card can help you pay for both routine and cosmetic dental procedures, as well as the cost of orthodontics at locations throughout the CareCredit network.**

Girl with braces, smiling and looking into hand mirror with woman

How Much Does the Dentist Cost?

Decoding the cost of a dazzling smile can be intimidating and sometimes difficult to determine. For some, not understanding the costs of dental procedures can turn them off from visiting the dentist. In fact, Synchrony's "Dental Lifetime of Care" study reveals that nine out of 10 people surveyed would postpone going to the dentist because of the cost. Eighty-three percent admit that they would even put off emergency dental care due to concerns about how they would pay for it.1

Below, we'll explore average pricing for some common reasons you need to visit the dentist, from regular cleanings that include X-rays to specialty treatments and procedures like root canals, wisdom teeth removal and veneers.

Average Cost of a Dental Exam and Cleaning

The national average cost* for a routine dental exam that includes a dental cleaning and X-rays stands at $203, with costs varying between $50 and $350.2

Typically, a routine dental exam involves:3

  • Teeth cleaning (a fluoride treatment may or may not be included)
  • Examining for cracks or chips
  • Checking for cavities
  • Inspecting gums for signs of gum disease
  • Discussing any concerns or symptoms you may be having

Usually, the dentist will do the final checkup at the end of the appointment.3

The chart below, based on CareCredit's 2023 Average Procedural Cost Study for Dental Practices Across the United States, presents average costs* for dental exams by state or district.2

Dental exam cost by state/district

State/District Average dental exam cost2
Alabama $223
Alaska $174
Arizona $212
Arkansas $205
California $206
Colorado $167
Connecticut $194
Delaware $207
District of Columbia $189
Florida $210
Georgia $204
Hawaii $223
Idaho $199
Illinois $181
Indiana $247
Iowa $222
Kansas $226
Kentucky $168
Louisiana $221
Maine $226
Maryland $201
Massachusetts $178
Michigan $218
Minnesota $194
Mississippi $194
Missouri $229
Montana $236
Nebraska $210
Nevada $187
New Hampshire $153
New Jersey $194
New Mexico $225
New York $209
North Carolina $198
North Dakota $263
Ohio $223
Oklahoma $227
Oregon $190
Pennsylvania $198
Rhode Island $186
South Carolina $171
South Dakota $210
Tennessee $184
Texas $227
Utah $203
Vermont $183
Virginia $171
Washington $166
West Virginia $191
Wisconsin $213
Wyoming $170
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Routine Dental Procedure Cost List

Below is a list of common dental procedures you or a family member may require, along with their average costs.* Varying factors can determine what you'll pay for some of these dental procedures or products when you don't have dental insurance.4

Dental procedure Cost
Bicuspid root canal (premolar) $984
Composite resin dental fillings (per filling) $226
Deep cleaning - Scaling and root planing (per quadrant) $242
Dental fillings - Porcelain inlay/onlay (per filling) $976
Dental sealant (per tooth) $42
Dental sedation $349
Full-mouth periodontal (osseous) surgery treatment $7,889
General anesthesia $639
Gold dental fillings (per filling) $466
Gum tissue graft (per procedure) $2,742
Metallic dental crown $1,211
Molar root canal $1,337
Mouth guard $6112
Porcelain and metal dental crown $1,114
Porcelain dental crown $1,399
Resin-based or temporary crown $697
Root canal $1,1652
Root canal (front tooth) $984
Silver amalgam dental fillings (per filling) $139
Simple tooth extraction (single tooth) $177
Surgical tooth extraction (single tooth) $363
Tooth extraction (complicated single tooth) $835
Tooth extraction (full bony impacted single tooth) $532
Tooth extraction (soft tissue impacted single tooth) $423
Wisdom tooth extraction (per tooth) $363
Wisdom tooth extraction (four teeth) $2,6852
Wisdom teeth removal (four impacted teeth) $3,340
Wisdom tooth removal (one impacted tooth) $835
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Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

To keep your smile looking its best, you may elect to have one of these cosmetic dental procedures. Let's examine their average costs*:4

Cosmetic dental procedure Cost
Composite veneer (single veneer made in lab) $1,3732
Composite veneer (single veneer made in office) $8722
Cosmetic dental contouring (per tooth) $215
Dental bonding (per tooth) $431
Dental bridges $1,041 to $5,197
Dental implants (per tooth) $2,6952
Dentures (basic - upper and lower) $452
Dentures (immediate) $2,178
Dentures (implant-supported per implant) $3,976
Dentures (partial flexible nylon) $1,761
Dentures (partial metal) $2,229
Dentures (partial resin-based) $1,738
Dentures (premium - upper and lower) $6,514
Dentures (traditional - upper and lower) $1,968
Full-mouth dental reconstruction $12,577 to $33,272
Full set of porcelain veneers (six to eight teeth) $15,4862
Gum contouring (per tooth) $129
Porcelain laminate veneer (single veneer) $1,8172
Porcelain veneer (single veneer) $1,7652
Professional teeth whitening (laser) $792
Professional teeth whitening (UV) $583
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Orthodontic Treatment Pricing

Orthodontic treatments can help straighten your teeth and correct problems with your bite. Their average costs* include:4

Orthodontic dental procedure Cost
Ceramic braces $5,834
Clear aligners $5,1082
Dental braces (metal) $6,3432
Lingual braces $9,221
Retainers (bonded) $344
Retainers (clear plastic) $181
Retainers (molded acrylic) $302

For illustrative purposes only.

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* Actual cost may vary based on geography, provider and other variables. Cost information is based on research in the 50 United States and D.C. which was conducted by ASQ360° in 2023-2024 on behalf of Synchrony's CareCredit.

** Subject to credit approval.

The information, opinions and recommendations expressed in the article are for informational purposes only. Information has been obtained from sources generally believed to be reliable. However, because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by our sources, or any other, Synchrony and any of its affiliates, including CareCredit, (collectively, “Synchrony") does not provide any warranty as to the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information for its intended purpose or any results obtained from the use of such information. The data presented in the article was current as of the time of writing. Please consult with your individual advisors with respect to any information presented.

© 2024 Synchrony Bank.


1 “Dental lifetime of care study," Synchrony Bank. October 2023. Retrieved from:

2 2023 Synchrony Average Procedural Cost Study for Cosmetic, Veterinary, and Dental Practices Across the United States, conducted by ASQ360° Market Research, October 2023 Cost Tables.

3 “Dental exams & X-rays in New York, NY," Manhattan Dental Arts. Accessed April 12, 2024. Retrieved from:

4 2024 Synchrony Average Procedural Cost Study for Cosmetic, Veterinary, Dental Practices and Other Practices Across the United States, conducted by ASQ360° Market Research, Cost Tables.