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What to Expect After Plastic Surgery and Tips to Recover Faster

Cosmetic and plastic surgery recovery times vary based on the type of surgery and the patient, but there are some common factors you may experience. Learn more about what to expect and read our tips to help aid your recovery process.

Written by Anne-Marie Kennedy

Posted July 07, 2023

Smiling woman standing next to an ocean view

If you're preparing for plastic or cosmetic surgery, you may be concerned with how long it will take to heal and what you can expect during your recovery. While your goal might be to recover as quickly as possible and get back to your routines, remember that quality healing requires time and makes a big difference in your overall outcome.1

Cosmetic and plastic surgery recovery times vary based on the type of surgery and the patient, but there are some common factors you may experience. In addition, there are steps you can take to ensure a smooth, stress-free recovery.

What to Expect During Plastic Surgery Recovery

After your procedure is complete and you've emerged from anesthesia, you might be discharged to your designated caregiver, or you may spend a night or two in the hospital or other postoperative facility. Surgery of any kind triggers the body's healing process, and it's normal in the first 24 hours post-surgery for the aftereffects to feel their most intense. You will likely feel groggy and tired and will want to rest and relax.2

Managing pain and discomfort

As the pain medication you received at the surgical facility wears off, it's normal to feel some measure of pain, both at the surgical site and an overall achiness. Nausea is a common side effect of anesthesia, which can sometimes be eased with medication.

Pain medication and antibiotics prescribed by your doctor often need to be taken with food, so start with small amounts of low-sodium, soft, bland foods to get something in your stomach before taking your meds.

A sore or itchy throat is another common side effect. Stay hydrated and use lozenges or throat spray to ease discomfort.

Swelling and bruising

Patients are often surprised at the amount of post-surgical swelling and bruising they experience, even if they feel like they were informed in advance of what to expect. While bruising and swelling might look alarming, remember that it's temporary. Bruising may take three weeks or more to fade, while swelling may take as long as a year to fully disappear.

Post-surgical instructions might include the use of compression wraps or ice packs to reduce swelling. An over-the-counter arnica supplement can be used to manage bruising.3

Emotional side effects

It's not uncommon to experience a range of strong emotions after cosmetic surgery. Patients may:4

  • Second-guess their choice to have plastic surgery
  • Experience added stress and fatigue due to sleep deprivation
  • Feel frustrated that healing and recovery are not happening fast enough
  • Worry about what the final results will look like or the appearance of scars
  • Experience mood swings, anxiety or increased irritability

Post-surgical depression

Some patients may experience postoperative depression, which shares characteristics with postpartum depression, in that patients often think they should feel happy post-surgery but are confused when they don't. Excessive sleeping, loss of appetite, unmanageable feelings of anxiety or stress or loss of interest in favorite activities are signs you should contact your physician to discuss the possibility you may be experiencing more than “feeling low" after surgery.4

When to call your doctor

While many of these side effects are part of a normal recovery from cosmetic surgery, be aware of those that are more concerning. Call your doctor or visit the ER if you:5

  • Spike a temperature of 101 or more
  • Have persistent vomiting
  • Have trouble breathing6
  • Cannot urinate6
  • Experience increased pain or swelling around the incision or drainage sites
  • Have bleeding that saturates your wound dressings
  • Have pain that cannot be controlled with your prescribed medication2

7 Tips to Help Recover After Plastic Surgery

Along with the type of cosmetic surgery, other factors may impact your recovery time, including your age, general health and post-surgery care. Read on for more tips for a smooth recovery

1. Follow your doctor's post-surgical guidelines

You'll likely be provided with written post-operative recovery instructions prior to your surgery. It's important to read them thoroughly, ask questions and follow the directions carefully. Complying with your doctor's orders will make for a smoother recovery and better results.7

Remember that post-op guidelines are specific to your surgery. Aftercare for rhinoplasty will be different from a tummy tuck or breast augmentation. Your instructions should include guidance on how to care for your incision, pain management, what other medications you can take, how and when to wear compression clothing and what kind of physical activity is permitted.1

2. Care for your incision6

Prevent infection by washing your hands frequently, particularly before you inspect your incision site, which you should do several times per day. Note whether the incision is pink or red, if there is discharge from the wound and if the stitches or staples are secure. Sudden swelling or unusual discharge should be reported to your doctor's office immediately.

You should be able to keep your incision sites clean with nothing more than gentle soap and water. Showers are typically recommended after surgery rather than baths, and swimming is usually off-limits in early recovery. Consult your doctor with questions.

3. Eat well, stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep

Your body needs a lot of energy to heal properly, so be sure to fuel it with plenty of nutrients and healthy food. Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and staying hydrated will aid your body in the healing process. Limit processed foods, sugary treats, salt, caffeine and alcohol, as these can exacerbate postoperative complications such as swelling or constipation.1

You may have lower-than-normal energy levels, which is to be expected. Listen to your body, and get plenty of sleep and extra rest when you need it.

4. Get moving

While you won't be headed to the gym for a heart-pounding workout right after surgery, recovery does include daily movement, whether it's a stroll around the block or just around your house every few hours. Walking and other movement, including gentle stretching, can help prevent postsurgical complications such as blood clots or pneumonia. It can also help improve circulation, reduce swelling and is a safe way to return to normal activities.6

Be aware that other activities may be temporarily limited while you recover. Depending on the type of plastic or cosmetic surgery you had, you may be prohibited from lifting anything over a certain weight limit2 or unable to drive5 for several weeks.

5. Prepare your home before surgery7

Set-up everything you'll need post-surgery in your home so it's ready and available when you return. Stock your kitchen with the recommended foods for the initial days after surgery when you may not have an appetite, including electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated. Loosen bottle caps or jar lids if you anticipate having limited mobility.

Fill prescriptions in advance and prepare any special post-op garments you'll need. Have a humidifier on hand and a portable shower chair ready if you'll need extra support for bathing.

6. Cough and sneeze with caution

Coughing and sneezing post-surgery can sometimes present their own issues, especially if you underwent surgery that involves incisions around the abdomen and other parts of the torso, or surgery to the face and neck.

To avoid opening a new surgical incision, brace it by applying light pressure to the sutures when you feel a cough or sneeze coming on. You can do this by pressing a pillow or your hands to the area.6

7. Remember your follow-up appointments

Even if you're feeling good and healing well, it's important to keep your follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

Post-surgical follow-up will allow your healthcare provider to inspect the surgical site, assess for complications or infection and discuss the next steps in your recovery, such as returning to exercise and other normal activities.1

Average Plastic Surgery Recovery Times

Below is a list of average recovery times for some common cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures:8

Type of Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery Average Recovery Time

Rhinoplasty (nose job)

Six weeks

Breast augmentation

Six weeks

Breast reduction

Two months

Tummy tuck

Two months


Two to three months


Up to three months

By following your doctor's instructions, attending follow-up appointments and taking care of yourself, you can look forward to getting back to your routines and enjoying the results of your cosmetic treatment.

CareCredit Credit Card Financing for Plastic Surgery

Ready to revitalize your appearance and boost your confidence? The CareCredit credit card makes it easy to pay for plastic surgery procedures and related expenses not covered by health insurance.* Apply today and use our Acceptance Locator to find a doctor or cosmetic surgeon near you that accepts CareCredit so you can stop dreaming and start living your best life. Continue your wellness journey by downloading the CareCredit Mobile App to manage your CareCredit account, find a provider on the go, and easily access the Well U hub for more great articles, podcasts, and videos.

Author Bio

Anne-Marie Kennedy is a freelance writer with more than 20 years of experience covering health and wellness, personal finance and real estate/investing.

* Subject to credit approval.

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1 Kaufman DL. Can you speed up your recovery after plastic surgery? American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Published May 26, 2022. Accessed February 18, 2023.

2 Plastic Surgery. Cleveland Clinic. Updated August 17, 2022. Accessed February 18, 2023.

3 Cosmetic surgery. Mayo Clinic. Published October 25, 2022. Accessed February 19, 2023.

4 How to Recover Emotionally from Cosmetic Surgery. North Raleigh Plastic Surgery. Published July 24, 2021. Updated May 19, 2022. Accessed February 20, 2023.

5 Plastic Surgery Post-Operative Recovery. UCLA Health. Accessed February 20, 2023.

Whitlock J. 10 Ways To Improve Your Recovery After Surgery. Verywell Health. Published August 30, 2012. Updated September 8, 2022. Accessed February 16, 2023.

Clark K. Nine tips from a plastic surgeon and patient for a smoother recovery. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Published December 27, 2021. Accessed February 16, 2023.

8 Which Surgeries Take the Most Time to Heal? Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery. Updated May 23, 2023. Accessed February 19, 2023.